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TitelAndy Warhol. Catalogue Raisonné. Paintings and Sculptures 1964-1969. Volume 2
Auteur: WARHOL - Frei, George & Thomas Printz:
Gepubliceerd: July 2004, (29 x 25 cm), 850 pp. English text, 1460 colour ills., 130 b/w. ills., 2 volumes, hardcover in carton slipcase.
Prijs: €750,00 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. Catalogue Raisonné. Paintings and Sculptures 1970-1974. Volume 3
Auteur: WARHOL - King-Nero, Sally & Neil Printz:
Gepubliceerd: July 2010, (29 x 25 cm), 572 pp. English text, 700 colour ills., 150 b/w. ills., hardcover in carton slipcase.
Prijs: €395,00 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. Catalogue Raisonné. Paintings and Sculptures. Late 1974-1976. Volume 4
Auteur: WARHOL - King-Nero, Sally & Neil Printz:
Gepubliceerd: September 2014, (29 x 25 cm), 608 pp. English text, 640 colour ills., 100 b/w. ills., hardcover in carton slipcase.
Prijs: €395,00 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. From Silverpoint to Silver Screen. 1950s Drawings
Auteur: WARHOL - Blau, Daniel & James Hofmaier & Sydney Picasso:
Gepubliceerd: November 2012, (24 x 28 cm), 278 pp. German/. English text, 210 ills. in colour. hardcover.
Prijs: €41,95 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. Advertising the Shape. La publicita della forma.
Auteur: WARHOL - Bonito Oliva, Achille & Edoardo Falcioni
Gepubliceerd: 10 2022, 23 x 28,4 xm), 240 pp. English /Italian, numerous ills., flexicover.
Prijs: €39,99 =>

TitelAndy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1987.
Auteur: WARHOL - Danto, Arthur & Dona De Salvo & Ronald Feldman Fine Arts Claudia Defendi & Fraya Feldman & Jorg Schellmann:
Gepubliceerd: 2016, Reprint of 4th edition revised and expaned, (25 cx 30 cm), 388 pp. English text, 1700 ills., (1500 in colour) hardcover with dustwrappers.
Prijs: €129,50 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. Vanitas
Auteur: WARHOL - Fabian de Kloe, Cynthia Jordens, Patrick Moore, Matthew Gray, Amber Morgan:
Gepubliceerd: 09 2024, ( x cm), 144 pp. English, numerous ills., hardcover.
Prijs: €34,95 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. Seven illustrated books, 1952-1959
Auteur: WARHOL - Golden, Reuel & Nina Schleif:
Gepubliceerd: 2023, (25 x 34 cm), 288 pp. English, French, German text, full colour ills., hardcover.
Prijs: €60,00 =>

TitelAndy Warhol. The complete Commisioned Magazine Work.
Auteur: WARHOL - Maréchal, Paul:
Gepubliceerd: October 2014, (26 x 37.5 cm), 408 pp. English text, 1000 colour colour ills., hardcover.
Prijs: €142,50 =>

TitelAndy Warhol: The complete commissioned posters 1964-1987.
Auteur: WARHOL - Maréchal, Paul:
Gepubliceerd: April 2014, 25 x 33 cm), 160 pp. English text, 161 colour ills., hardcover.
Prijs: €64,00 =>

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