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Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1987.


Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonné 1962-1987.


WARHOL - Danto, Arthur & Dona De Salvo & Ronald Feldman Fine Arts Claudia Defendi & Fraya Feldman & Jorg Schellmann:


2016, Reprint of 4th edition revised and expaned, (25 cx 30 cm), 388 pp. English text, 1700 ills., (1500 in colour) hardcover with dustwrappers.


In the 40 years since he first appeared on the New York art scene, Andy Warhol has become synonymous with Pop Art -and with the wry definition of fame as something that never lasts more than 15 minutes. But Warhol spent his career working so prodigiously as to assure long lasting renown. In the printmaking field alone, his output was prolific, and his appropriation of silkscreen as a fine art medium forever altered the way prints look. This thoroughly revised and expanded fourth edition of Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne: 1962-1987 traces Warhol's complete graphic oeuvre from his first unique works on paper in 1962 through his final published portfolio in 1987. More than 1,700 works are illustrated, an increase of 500 from the previous edition of the catalogue raisonné, and complete documentation is provided for each. New additions include a section focusing on Warhol's popular portraits, with documentation of prints that were related to paintings commissioned during the 1970s and 1980s and a new supplement featuring prints and illustrated books from the 1950s, including the beloved 25 Cats Named Sam and One Blue Pussy. There is also an eight-page essay by Donna De Salvo addressing Warhol's self-published books and portfolios from the same era. An extensive chronology of printmaking activity, a complete exhibition history, a selected bibliography, and a greatly expanded appendix to published prints, complete the book. Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne: 1962-1987, in its fourth edition, will continue to be the critical reference tool for scholars, collectors, auction houses, libraries, curators and art dealers. [POP-ART]


€ 129,50

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